Missing Tony Stark hours

Apologies for typos – didn’t proofread.

A friend of mine recently started watching the MCU movies from the beginning, and it got me thinking about how much I miss Tony Stark, and being excited about Marvel movies.

At one point in life, pre-Endgame, of course, I would have gone to war for the MCU. Currently, I couldn’t give a shit if I tried and that’s kind of frustrating. I miss when movies used to be exciting and fun and have a good plotline. This is not me saying that Endgame was a good movie – after all the smoke and mirrors, you realize what a shit show it was and how it messed up most of the characters going forward. Feel free to disagree, I don’t actually care enough to dispute you.

I did like Endgame, at the time. Right now? Not so much. The 21 year old who watched Endgame and was tricked by the glitter and one-liner didn’t actually have much going on. She was also severely depressed and wanted an escape. At the time, Marvel did the job. But, looking back, was it really all that or was I shiny, dumb, and easy to trick? (Deep cut John Mulaney reference).

I haven’t watched Endgame since the 5 times I rewatched it at the cinema (I was going through it) so I don’t really know how I feel about it anymore. I do know that I cried every time I saw Tony die, not because I missed him but because it was so unnecessary.

I hated that they killed Tony, although looking at the current state of the MCU, it’s probably for the best he’s not around. I despise Steve’s character arc. Any sort of character development he had made in his own movies and the Infinity Saga disappeared the second he decided to stay in the past. The thing that irked me the most, more than Tony dying even, is that Bucky was left behind.

I firmly believe, and for someone who doesn’t care this is something I will stand my ground on, there is no universe in which Steve Rogers would have ever left Bucky Barnes alone. Ever. Their storylines have been so intertwined and Steve time and time again had thrown caution to the wind to make sure Bucky was okay. You expect me to believe Mr. “I’m with you till the end of the line” would leave his sad lost assassin alone? Again? I don’t think so.

I don’t know if I grew up and out of it or if Marvel just genuinely sucks now, but I miss looking forward to movies. I miss being excited by them. I miss the characters having personalities, and their suits looking different. I miss the solid plot lines. I miss when one liners where a rare occurrence, and when cameos were only Stan Lee. I miss when movies could be watched as standalones and you didn’t need to finish seven mini series to figure out what was going on.

If you had told 21 one year old me we have ceased to care about Marvel, you would have blown her little mind. I mean, I literally wrote a blog post against Martin Scorcese because I was pissed off that he said Marvel wasn’t cinema. Imagine riding Marvel’s dick so hard you get mad at Martin Scorcese???? I was insane, and under a spell. I’m sorry Martin, I retract everything I said about you. I love you, and your TikToks.

The post is called missing Tony Stark hours and I’ve literally mentioned this man once. Tony has been my favorite superhero the second I laid eyes on him. It was Tom Welling as Superman before that but that’s a conversation for another day. The Iron Man trilogy, and Captain America: Civil War, which I count as the unofficial fourth Iron Man movie are some of my most rewatched movies of all time. They’re just so good and have so much heart.

I can talk about it for days if you allow me. But instead, I’ll tell you this. My favorite thing about rewatching a movie, when I bother to switch my brain on and feel things, is knowing that I have seen it at different points in my life. These rewatches hold versions of me that I don’t even remember. In 2008, when the first movie came out, I was 10 years old, I probably watched the movie with my family at the Majestic City Cineplex, which no longer exists. Civil War, in 2026 came out smack dab in the middle of A Levels. I had to watch a shitty bootleg that we rented from Video International. I was so upset I didn’t get to experience that in HD and in the cinema that by the time exams were done I watched it four more times just to make up for it. I remember rewatching these again in my first year in uni, around the time I started this blog in preparation for Infinity War. Rewatching these movies is a little glimpse of certain periods of time in my life and I just think that’s sweet.

I don’t know what the point of this post was. I just wanted to yap. If you read this, I love you because even I didn’t read this. I hope you have the best day and good things happen to you. If you need me I’ll be rewatching Iron Man.

Cover Image from Entertainment Weekly

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