To All The Shows I’ve Binged Before.

The title is misleading because if I were to write a list of all the shows I’ve binged, I’d never stop; so this list is just a few I’ve binged in the past year. I binge shows for a variety of reasons including the fact that I have no self-control, someone bet that I couldn’t possibly finish an entire series in one night, or the show was so good that I didn’t realize I finished it. Binging a show is so easy, but recalling the episodes once you do is more difficult than I care to admit, so a lot of the time, I’m missing chunks of information. It may also be because I get distracted while watching it and I just forget to pay attention. What can I say? Nobody’s perfect. Below is a list of shows I recently binged, and quite easily at that. They’re from different genres (because I’m versatile like that) so there’s probably something for everyone.

Stranger Things


Episodes    Run Time (total)



20 hours 50 minutes

Despite watching every single episode of all three seasons, I still cannot adequately explain what this show is about. It’s a sci-fi series set in Hawkins, Indiana in the 1980s and revolves around a bunch of children who save the world on multiple occasions. It has monsters, Russians, and Winona Ryder, so I was bound to watch it sooner or later. The comedic undertones and well-structured character arcs are just some of the many things I love about Stranger Things. You wouldn’t expect this show to sweep you off your feet, but it does. It’s full of suspense, intrigue and a killer soundtrack. It does get intense, but not to the point where it’s unbearable. In fact, it’s quite enjoyable. You could finish it in a day if you please, or even take your time, but either way, this comes with high recommendations.

Personally, I prefer season three, perhaps because it’s the one I most recently saw, but I feel as though it’s more light-hearted and carries more comedic undertones in comparison to the previous ones. I should also admit that I wouldn’t be able to recount the happenings of season two if my life depended on it. It was just so long ago and I watched it in one night like the idiot I am so I was hyper-focused for those few hours and after it finished I lost my remaining brain cells. Binge responsibly, my dudes. Here’s the trailer for the first season:

The Punisher


Episodes    Run Time (total)



22 hours 50 minutes

I loved Marvel’s Daredevil, so a friend of mine suggested I checked out The Punisher. Since I already knew of the eponymous protagonist through his recurring appearances in Daredevil, I didn’t even question wanting to watch it. If it’s connected to something I like, you best believe I will dive in head first and ask questions later. The Punisher, broken down to it’s barest essentials is just Frank Castle going on a killing spree and targeting every single person who had a part to play in the death of his family. He is simultaneously a heartless assassin, and respectable gentleman, so you’re bound to be teaming up with him even while he blatantly tortures someone for information. It’s emotive, ruthless, relentless, and brilliant. This show is not for the faint of heart, and I should have known because I’m not a fan of death and destruction. I watched this show in one sitting, and at four in the morning after watching the last episode I felt haunted. I was literally shaking because of the sheer intensity of that episode. I had to cover my eyes and take peaks to stop myself from getting nightmares. It was insane. But, it’s such a good show. Check out the trailer for season one below:

Sadly, this show got canceled after the second season, so there are some bits of the story that are incomplete, but not to a point of frustration. You can still watch these two seasons and appreciate the storylines without feeling robbed of another season. But, to be clear, we were robbed. I’m not a fan of excessive violence, but I would have loved another season. That should show you how great this show was.

Russian Doll


Episodes    Run Time (total)


8 6 hours

Here’s the thing with me and new shows: I don’t pay a lot of attention, I get distracted, and most of the time I’m scrolling through Marvel memes while the show is playing in front of me. Being the idiot I am, I did this with Russian Doll, but kept skipping back because I was getting confused. A few episodes in I learned my lesson and tossed my phone aside to focus on what was unfolding before me. It was that interesting. There’s something about this show that just catches you by surprise. It’s because there are so many elements that come together and it gives you a whole picture. I know I’m not making sense, but that’s what it was. It’s a great watch and a good change of pace from my usual shows. The protagonist, Nadia, keeps dying on the night of her birthday and relives that day over and over again. This goes on for several deaths (get it?) and she meets Alan, who also suffers the same fate. The show follows this unlikely duo trying to figure out what’s happening to them and crack the code. It’s a brilliantly executed dramatic comedy and it was suspiciously good. I would have done a full review on it but my brain has not developed well enough to comprehend the complexity of this show.

Turn Up Charlie


Episodes    Run Time (total)



3 hours 30 minutes

Listen, if you put Idris Elba on my recommended list, you have to assume I would click on it. My thirst and will power cannot go against that beautiful man. This show was so short that I didn’t even feel it go by. It follows Idris Elba, who is a washed up DJ, that tries to relight his career by using his connections. He ends up being the nanny for his best friend’s child, who happens to have a renowned DJ as her mother. The basic outline is that he uses his job to make new music, but ends up truly caring for the child in the bigger picture. It’s a typical Game Plan/Pacifier storyline where a hard-shelled father figure realizes the importance of the presence of children in their life. It has a legit soundtrack (DJs, duh), and it’s indescribably funny. It’s an acquired taste but if you want a small show to indulge in on a lazy day, give this a chance.

Sex Education


Episodes    Run Time (total)



6 hours

I wrote an entire blog post on this if you’re interested. This show is about a high-schooler whose mother is a sex therapist, he listens in on her sessions and learns her methods in order to preach to his colleagues, for a price, of course. It’s hilarious because the advice he gives is legit and actually helps most of them. I love this show because each of the characters introduced has such strong personalities, and have so much depth. Even the ones who seemed as though they existed for comic relief. It’s a fun show to watch and you won’t feel the hours go by because of the enticing content. It’s funny, heartfelt, and surprisingly educational.

This show has everything you could possibly want: action, comedy, romance, and Gillian Anderson in silk bathrobes. I loved watching this, and I was left wanting more by the time the last episode came around. I believe the show was renewed for a second season, but there’s no news as to when it will come out. But, until then, watch these eight glorious episodes, and have a good one.

Queer Eye


Episodes    Run Time (total)



20 hours 50 minutes

No words in this language and any other could tell you how much I love this show. It follows five guys who go around America giving people makeovers, and not just in the conventional definition of the word. Each of them has an area of expertise that they apply in the makeover process: Tan takes care of the clothing and wardrobe; Jonathan chimes in with personal grooming and hairstyling; Antoni teaches you how to make, simple but delicious meals that won’t hurt your pockets; Karamo helps you get over your fears, find your groove, and live life to your greatest potential; and last, but definitely not least Bobby, who I think does the most work on this show, completely redesigns and decorates living space. I think I’ve cried at the end of every episode because it’s so beautiful and heart-warming. These five angels are so full of love, support, and positivity that they practically radiate it. You not only see other people begin to get their lives together but you begin to pick up on some life hacks and tricks that will help you become a better version of yourself. I’m not kidding when I say that this show makes my heart glow. I think everyone should give it a chance because it’s so empowering, uplifting, and powerful. I’m not saying I’m obsessed, but I certainly spent more than I should to get a sweatshirt with their names on it. It’s a feel-good show and no matter what mood you’re in, they will lift your spirits. You can quote me on that. Check out the trailer below:

American Crime Story


Episodes    Run Time (total)



19 hours

Each season of American Crime Story explores a true crime event of the past and gives the audience a dramatic analogy of the events that unfolded prior to and after the chosen event. This isn’t a genre I generally drabble in, but it came with the highest of recommendations so I gave it and watched it, and it was brilliant. Season one, titled “The People vs. O.J Simpson” follows the murder trial of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. I didn’t think I’d pick up an interest but I couldn’t keep my eyes off everything that was happening. It was captivating and I got so invested in it, that after watching I checked out the actual trail to see how realistic the show was, and the managed to capture the events pretty accurately. But, I can only speak for myself because I wasn’t even born when it happened, so I had no preconceived notions. and all my opinions formulated from the information that the show laid down. Definitely worth a watch. Check out the trailer below:

Season two, titled “The Assassination of Gianni Versace”. focuses on the life of Andrew Cunanan, a spree killer, who shot the legendary fashion designer, Gianni Versace. This season is definitely more intense than the first one, in the sense that it’s more graphic and contains more violence. Darren Criss’ performance as a killer was disturbingly commendable because he made a convincing murderer. It was almost difficult to watch at times, especially since I’ve been following his career since I was an actual child. To this day, A Very Potter Musical, in which he plays the beloved Chosen One is one of the best adaptations of Harry Potter, and is probably my favorite role he has ever played. I learned a lot more than I needed to while binging this, and I can say with utmost confidence that I would never watch this season again. However, I’m glad I checked it out. I just don’t recommend watching it repeatedly. I also would suggest you take a breather between the two seasons in which you watch a neutral show to cool off because I don’t think 19 hours of uninterrupted true crime reenactions are good for anyone.

The Office


Episodes    Run Time (total)


201 4 days 3 hours 30 minutes

I’ve finally jumped on the bandwagon that everyone has been talking about for as long as I can remember. I’ve been mildly skeptical of The Office despite all of their glowing reviews from half my friend base because it was generally compared to Parks and Recreation, which happens to be one of my favorite TV shows of all time. I didn’t think The Office could live up to the hype, but I’m mature enough to admit that I was wrong, but only slightly. I wasn’t completely blown away by the first few seasons because while it was moderately funny, most of them felt like filler episodes. However, the most episodes that went by, the funnier it got. I don’t know if it was because I became accustomed to all the characters and their tropes, or if the writing got better, but either way, I was laughing till tears were forming in my eyes by the time the fifth season rolled around. I’ve got one season left to finish this generational phenomenon, and I’m pleased to say that I finally get the hype. What I love most, despite all the lame jokes and Jim’s pranks is how fun the characters are. Each of them have distinctive attributes that make them hilarious in their own right, and they just grow on you. Even the ones who were introduced in the later seasons. If you’re new to the show, my advice for you is to stick to it, even when it seems as though it’s not worth the effort, because it does get funnier. Here’s a clip from one of my favorite cold opens:

Dead To Me


Episodes    Run Time (total)



4 hours 55 minutes

This dark comedy comes with some unexpected plot twists that make for a ride full of suspense and humor. The cast is ridiculously good looking so I took one look at the poster and knew I wanted to watch it. It’s got hints of a thriller too, which makes it all the more enjoyable. The show follows a recent widower who makes an unusual friend at a support group that knows much more than she leads on. The twists and turns this show takes will leave you gasping for air or shouting at whichever screen you’re watching it on. You will want to laugh, cry, frown and punch James Marsden in his ridiculously handsome face. This show is off the rails and an extremely fun watch because you never know what might happen next, Just when you feel like it might be time for you to go to bed, they will give you a cliffhanger that is impossible to let go, and lo and behold you’ve binged an entire show that leaves you wanting so much more.

RuPaul’s Drag Race.


Episodes    Run Time (per episode)


145 40-60 minutes

I wish I hadn’t put off watching this show as much as I did. My sister has been on my case asking me to check it out for so long and I kept refusing because I’m a natural idiot until one fateful day, when I was in a feverish daze I clicked on a random season and started watching, and couldn’t stop. I watched season seven, and then proceed to watch the rest of the seasons in an ungodly order because clearly, I had no brain cells. At first, I didn’t want to watch seasons 1-4 because it was filmed so long ago and the screen had that vintage feel to it, and I was not into it, so I watched from 5-11 and became obsessed. But, once I finished those I started craving more and I gave in and worked my way backward. I’m currently in season three, and I regret not watching it earlier. It’s a reality show where each season a dozen or more drag queens compete to hold the coveted title of America’s Best Drag Queen. Through the seasons you will be introduced to a wide range of talented personalities you will instantly grow to like. Their charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent is just some of the things I admire about them, not to mention the out-of-this-world make up skills and professional level shade. There are so many fun challenges and gag-worthy runway looks that will leave you gagging. You’re also bound to come out of this with a whole new vocabulary. One of my favorite things about Drag Race is that the contestants are eliminated through lip syncs, some of which are absolutely sickening. Linked below is one of the best lip syncs I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing. Take a second to appreciate the raw athletic ability of these Queens who leave it all on the line at a chance of remaining in the competition. Legendary.

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